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Approved Minutes 10-10-2012
Salem Bike Path Committee
Minutes of Meeting
Wednesday, October 10, 2012

A regularly scheduled meeting of the Salem Bike Path Committee was held on Wednesday, October 10, 2012 at 7:00 PM in Meeting Room 313 at City Hall Annex, 120 Washington Street.

Members Present:  Dan Shuman, Will Peck, Ernest DeMaio, Brad Sandler, Dan Cooper, and Jeff Bellin.  Also present was Staff Planner/Harbor Coordinator Frank Taormina

Members Absent: David Hallowes and David Bowie

Public in Attendance: Bruce Mabbott (Salem Resident)

Chairman Shuman called the meeting to order at 7:04PM.  He acknowledged those members absent and present for the record.

  • Approval of Minutes
Chairman Shuman asked if there were any comments from the Committee, there being none he asked for a motion to approve.  J. Bellin made that motion, seconded by E. DeMaio and approved unanimously.

  • Public Comment
Chairman Shuman welcomed those in attendance and asked their names for the record and asked if there were any public comments at this time.  There being none, he moved onto the next agenda item.  

  • New Business
Goals and Recommendations for 2013
Chairman Shuman asked the Committee to go around the room and offer their preferred goals and recommendations for next year.

J. Bellin stated that he would like to revisit the completed on-road bike route and install some additional route signage where he believes they are needed.  F. Taormina stated that there are some area that were recently completed that also need some route signage.

E. DeMaio stated that the Committee should look at the Bike Friendly Community Feedback Report we received from the League of American Cyclists and chip away at some of the City’s shortcomings so that we can reapply for recognition.  The Committee asked that F. Taormina email the Committee the feedback report so that they can review it.  F. Taormina agreed to email that to the Committee Members.

D. Cooper suggested that the Committee increase its relationship with the Beverly Bike Group to foster better regional ties.

B. Sandler stated that the Committee perform outreach to all neighboring communities to improve the regional biking network.

W. Peck recommended that the Committee continue to work on and advocate for bike safety, perhaps working with the Salem Police Department and with neighboring communities.

F. Taormina recommended that the Committee review the Bike Circulation Master Plan and prioritize the goals and recommendations set forth in the plan.  He mentioned that the City’s Energy and Sustainability Manager, Jeff Elie, is reapplying for the Green Communities Grant with the Massachusetts Office of Energy Resources (DOER).  Once the City secures future funding he would like to allocate some funding to do an alternative transportation project or improve or maintain and existing alternative transportation project.  He asked the Committee to determine which project they would like to see completed.  F. Taormina suggested for example repaving the Collins Cove Multi-Use Trail which is eroding into the cove and paving the unpaved section to Szetela Lane, near Settlers Way.  Committee said that they are excited that funding may soon be available to increase or improve bike facilities in Salem.

Chairman Shuman recommended that the Committee look into the Safe Routes to School Program to see what is involved in creating one in Salem.

E. DeMaio suggested that another goal be to promote more of what the Bike Path Committee is doing.

J. Bellin also suggested that the informational kiosks on the Salem Bike Path be repaired or replaced as they are in tough shape.  Also to work on putting bike related resources in the kiosk along with the bike routes map.

Chairman Shuman asked if there were any other goals the Committee would like to explore in 2013.  There being none he asked the Committee how they should prioritize the list in order to get started.

E. DeMaio suggested that F. Taormina print the proposed bike routes map from the Bike Circulation Master Plan in a large scale size (2’x3’) so that the Committee can mark it up to try and prioritize which bike facilities it should work on next.  Committee agreed that that should be on the agenda for the November Meeting.

E. DeMaio also suggested that for the December Meeting the Committee review the Bike Friendly Communities Feedback Report from the League of American Cyclists and work on some of the City’s shortcomings with respect to becoming a bike friendly community. The Committee agreed with the recommendation.


  • Old/New Business
Chairman Shuman asked if there were any old/new business items to discuss tonight.

Bruce Mabbott (Salem Resident) asked if the Committee could update him on the status of the Salem Bike Path Extension project to downtown Salem.

F. Taormina informed Mr. Mabbott that the City is working closely with the Anthony Gattineri, property owner of the former California Olive Oil Company, who is the only potential user of the unused freight line that the City is trying to utilize as the alternative transportation corridor to extend the Salem Bike Path through, which is owned by the MBTA but Pan Am Railways has freight right to.  He elaborated further by stating that in order for the City to build the bike path through that unused railroad right-of-way, Pan Am Railways must abandon their freight rights.  He explained that Mr. Gattineri has submitted a letter to the MBTA asking to purchase or lease back the excess portion of the unused railroad right-of-way that the City does not need.  The MBTA is willing to enter into a long term lease agreement with Mr. Gattineri provided that he submit a letter in writing to Pan Am Railways stating that he will never pursue freight in the future. The MBTA is currently performing an appraisal on property to determine the lease amount and once that is determined then MR. Gattineri should send Pan Am the letter.  Once the City has confirmation that the letter was received by Pan AM, then the City will formally petition to Pan AM to have the fright rights in the unused railroad right-of-way abandoned, opening the door for the City to finally utilize the MBTA’s unused railroad right-of-way for the bike path extension.       

Chairman Shuman asked if there is any further old or new business to discuss tonight.  There being none, he asked for a motion to adjourn.  J. Bellin makes that motion, seconded by D. Cooper and approved unanimously.  The meeting was adjourned at 7:59 PM.

Respectfully submitted by:

Frank Taormina,
Planner/Harbor Coordinator

Minutes approved by the Salem Bike Path Committee at their November 14, 2012 Meeting